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Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery

Keyhole surgery is often used to treat urological problems in children. Laparoscopic or keyhole procedures are less invasive than open surgery and have faster recovery times, so they can be much better for both you and your child. However, it's still important for you to understand what the procedure will involve and the risks of having an operation.

What is Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopy is any surgical procedure that is performed through small keyhole incisions. It is a less invasive alternative to open surgery, which requires a large incision to be opened up. Instead of looking directly into the body, the surgeon will use a small camera to see what is happening during the procedure. The whole procedure is performed while the doctor watches what is happening through this camera.

When is Laparoscopic Surgery Performed?

Laparoscopic surgery will usually be recommended when it is possible to perform a procedure using this technique. Many urological procedures can be performed as keyhole surgeries, but some procedures can't be performed laparoscopically. The surgeon may need more access into the body for some procedures. In some cases, a planned laparoscopic procedure may need to be changed into an open procedure during the operation. This might happen if there are complications during the procedure, but it won't usually be necessary.

What Happens During Keyhole Surgery

One or more small, keyhole incisions will be made in the abdomen or pelvis, over the area where the problem is located. The doctor will insert a special camera called a laparoscope into one of these incisions. The laparoscope is a flexible tube with a small light on it. The tube is connected to a monitor that shows what the camera is seeing so the doctor can look around inside the body. Some harmless gas will be pumped into the abdomen during the procedure to expand it as this makes it easier to see and move around inside. The surgical instruments will also be inserted through the keyhole incisions in order to complete the procedure. The exact procedure will depend on the condition that is being treated. Your doctor will explain the procedure in detail so that you know what to expect before, during, and after the operation.

Risks and Benefits of Laparoscopy

Laparoscopic surgery is usually preferred over an open procedure when it is possible to complete the operation through keyhole incisions. The smaller incisions will heal up more quickly and leave smaller scars. The recovery time is quicker than for open surgery and there is usually less pain and bleeding after the operation. These benefits of keyhole surgery can be particularly important for young children as it allows them to get back to normal as quickly as possible.

However, there are always risks involved with any surgical procedure. Issues such as bad reactions to the anaesthetic or post-operative infections can still happen with keyhole surgery. Your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits with you in detail before your child's operation so that you can make informed decisions about their care.

If you have any questions about laparoscopy or the procedure your child needs then you can always ask your doctor.


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